Saturday, August 6, 2011

...where gringos dare

Starving for adventure after a painstaking summer of motorcoach driving, four young amigos: Ashley, myself, Seth, and the man who prefers Fernando to his real name, left the discomforts of their known worlds behind to travel South of America to... South America.

So... South America. More specifically Peru. Where we would spend the next three months doing and seeing various things. It was October 2010 when we arrived, so yes... the distant past, but I think it is due time to account for the trip. We flew into Lima, where we didn't stay too long, only a few days, but we all met up and went to the beach, which wasn't very beachy.

anyways an anonymous photo of the Fernando already sporting his peruvian beanie

I call this photo... Seth's future album cover.

Yeah so the beaches were rocky, and it wasn't very warm, but people were surfin.

It was never really sunny in Lima, always kinda hazy.

Anyways I didn't really take many photos of Lima. We did some stuff though. Walked around. Ate some Chinese food in Peruvian China Town, where I didn't actually see any Chinese people, although I've heard they do exist. We rode some buses (or collectivos), explored a little bit, and concluded that Lima was not the place for us. There was some good food, nice little Peruvians, and some cool old Spanish buildings and stuff but we had come to Peru for a reason... The Andes.